Woman-Owned Business

What I’m Listening To: My Favorite Podcasts for Business Owners

What I’m Listening To: My Favorite Podcasts for Business Owners

So when I’m in my car or when I have a rainy day to relax, my go-to option has been listening to podcasts. It gives me time to optimize my time and listen in on how other businesses and makers run their businesses or how they balance work and life! Many reasons why I started but first and foremost it was for inspiration. Everyone’s business needs to have a leader that inspires every day (I was not inspiring but smothering). We need help to refocus, get passionate and expand our horizons. I’ll list some of the most recent ones that I have been listening to and these are my personal recommendations and not an advertisement for any of them.

My Journey Into Print: How I Became A #WOMANINBUSINESS

My Journey Into Print: How I Became A #WOMANINBUSINESS

In my recent #BMOREcakeNwhiskey50 meet ups with women in business, they have all asked me how I got in the business of printing. Well, here it goes!  In 2006 I was working at the Maryland General Assembly as a Legislative Administrator.  At the time, I was recently married, and one day my husband came to me with an interesting proposition.  He suggested the idea of this company, Alpha Graphics, as my venture into entrepreneurship (he was their attorney).  The then owner, wanted to retire but didn’t want to let go of her long-time employees, most of whom she’d worked with for the past 25 years.  She conferred with her attorney, my husband, who nudged it my way, encouraging me that this was a “solid company with long time, loyal employees.”  I called it my “leap of faith” as it was the biggest leap I ever made in myself.  I presented an offer and she accepted, gladly.